It's me, Elena.

Elena Callegari

Ph.D. in Linguistics,
Co-founder of SageWrite

About Me

Hi! I am a linguist and lecturer in Language Technology, Linguistics and Complexity Science based in Reykjavík, Iceland.
I have a PhD in Linguistics (Syntax - Pragmatics interface) from the University of Oslo, an MA in Psycholinguistics from Utrecht University (Netherlands) and a BA in Language Sciences from Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy).
At the moment I am working as a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher in Language and Technology at the University of Iceland.
I am also the co-founder of SageWrite, an Icelandic startup that is developing text-generation tools for academic writing using deep learning. SageWrite was born in late 2021 and we currently have 5 permanent staff in our team.
In 2023, I won a Horizon-2020 Women TechEU grant, which is a grant for women that have founded deep-tech startups in Europe. This is the first time an applicant from Iceland ever wins this grant!
Some of the topics I am interested in are word order variation in the left periphery, topicalization in Romance and Germanic languages, focus particles in Mande and Slavic languages, natural language generation and transformers, clinical applications of NLP, and modeling the complexity found in human languages.
Outside of linguistics I am also interested in politics, astronomy, complexity science and science fiction.


Modeling the Left Periphery: A Cellular-Automaton Approach to Linguistic Complexity.

This paper introduces an agent-based NetLogo simulation that models word order in the left periphery as an emergent, self-organizing system driven by local interactions. By applying principles from complexity science, it offers a flexible alternative to hierarchical frameworks, demonstrating how syntactic structures can arise dynamically without a fixed blueprint.

Complexity Science, Computational Modeling




Try the Model: Emergent Word Order in the Left Periphery.

This is a dynamic simulation. It explores how word order in the left periphery of syntax can emerge from localized interactions between syntactic elements, without relying on pre-defined hierarchical templates. Inspired by complexity science, it employs agent-based modeling and cellular automata to simulate how structural dependencies interact dynamically to produce emergent ordering patterns. Instructions for running the model can be found in the "Model Info" tab.

Complexity Science, Computational Modeling

Enhancing Academic-Paper Title Generation Using SciBERT and Linguistic Rules.

We refine automatic title generation using linguistic-stylistic rules and SciBERT.
— Proceedings of IJCNLP-AACL 2023: The 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Language Technology




The Relative Order of Foci and Polarity Complementizer: a Slavic Perspective

Comparative study of ten different Slavic languages on the order of foci and polarity complementizers.
— Linguistic Variation 22(1), 78-122.

Theoretical Linguistics




Polarity-Induced Fronting

Account of the different fronting strategies available in Romance languages in polarity-focus environments.
— Probus, accepted.

Theoretical Linguistics




Controlled Text Generation Using Metrics from a Target Text Allows for Transparency in the Absence of Specialized Knowledge.

We control automatic abstract generation by extracting linguistic metrics from a target text.
— Proceedings of CHItaly 2023: the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, GENERAL23 (GENerative, Explainable and Reasonable Artificial Learning) Workshop.

Language Technology




Automatic Extraction of Cross-Linguistic Biomarkers of Healthy Aging in Icelandic.

How is healthy aging reflected in language production? We look at Icelandic specifically.
— Under Review.

Language Technology




Predicting the Presence of Inline Citations in Academic Text Using Binary Classification

We use Sci-BERT to predict the presence of inline academic citations.
— In The 24rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, (2023, March).

Language Technology




A Corpus For Article Analysis

On the structure of the manually-annotated SageWrite corpus, a corpus for the fine-tuning of NLG algorithms.
— Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022) (pp. 13-21).

Language Technology




The ACoDe Project: Creating a Dementia Corpus for Icelandic.

On the collection and transcription protocol behind the ACoDe corpus.
— Proceedings of Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) Conference 2023.

Language Technology




Age Classification of Icelandic Speech using Sequential Feature Elimination

We propose an age classifier for Icelandic speech that was trained on the Samrómur dataset.
— Under Review

Language Technology




Linguistic strategies to present complexity in a time of crisis

On the linguistic strategies adopted by different European leaders to present the complexity associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
— "Remedies against the Pandemic. How politicians communicate crisis management", 2023, John Benjamins.

Discourse Analysis




Topicalization: The IO/DO Asymmetry in Icelandic

Account of the differences in frequency between IO and DO topicalization in Icelandic With A.K. Ingason.
— Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 105 (2021), 1–17

Theoretical Linguistics

Language Technology




Exclamative Se Constructions, LSRL53 slides + examples

Slides and list of examples.
— LSRL53, 2023

Theoretical Linguistics




Intro to Syntax - Lecture 3 slides

Lecture 3 slides: constituency and trees.
— Course at Palacky University in Olomouc, April 2022.

Theoretical Linguistics




The Focus Architecture of Jula of Tougan: when presentational focus does it all.

On the focus architecture of Jula of Tougan, a Mande variety spoken in Northern Burkina Faso.
— Manuscript

Theoretical Linguistics




Étude comparative de la pragmatique de la topicalisation du sujet en français standard et en trévisan

Comparative analysis of the pragmatics of subject topicalization in French and Trevigiano (Northern Italian dialect). With E. Klævik-Pettersen.
— Scolia- Revue de Linguistique 34, 2020

Theoretical Linguistics




Topicalized PPs: Movement or Internal Merge?

Are Italian topicalized PPs moved or base-generated? We run an experiment to find out. With R. Pulicani.
— Proceedings of LE, 2020

Theoretical Linguistics




Understanding Word Order in the Left Periphery

My PhD thesis! On making sense of the relative ordering of different types of left-peripheral constituents.
— University of Oslo press

Theoretical Linguistics




Mande: Closely related languages, different focus architectures

Slides of my ACAL (Annual Conference on African Languages) 2022 talk.
— Jall

Theoretical Linguistics




contact me

Agree or disagee on any of my ideas?

Got any interesting suggestions?

Know of any language other than Bulgarian where a topic can precede a relative operator?

Then get in touch with me at this email address: